Features demonstrated in the sample applications

This section summarizes the MQI features demonstrated in each of the sample applications, shows the programming languages in which each sample is written, and the environment in which each sample runs.

Put samples

The Put samples demonstrate how to put messages on a queue using the MQPUT call.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in COBOL and C, and runs in the batch and CICS environment. See Table 45 for the batch application and Table 50 for the CICS application.

Get samples

The Get samples demonstrate how to get messages from a queue using the MQGET call.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in COBOL and C, and runs in the batch and CICS environment. See Table 45 for the batch application and Table 50 for the CICS application.

Browse sample

The Browse sample demonstrates how to browse a message, print it, then step through the messages on a queue.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in the COBOL, assembler, PL/I, and C languages. The application runs in the batch environment. See Table 46 for the batch application.

Print Message sample

The Print Message sample demonstrates how to remove a message from a queue and print the data in the message, together with all the fields of its message descriptor. By removing comment characters from two lines in the source module, you can change the program so that it browses, rather than removes, the messages on a queue. This program can usefully be used for diagnosing problems with an application that is putting messages on a queue.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in the C language. The application runs in the batch environment. See Table 47 for the batch application.

Queue Attributes sample

The Queue Attributes sample demonstrates how to inquire about and set the values of WebSphere MQ for z/OS object attributes.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in the COBOL, assembler, and C languages. The application runs in the CICS environment. See Table 51 for the CICS application.

Mail Manager sample

The Mail Manager sample demonstrates these techniques:

The application uses these MQI calls:

Three versions of the application are provided:

The TSO applications use the WebSphere MQ for z/OS batch adapter and include some ISPF panels.

See Table 48 for the TSO application, and Table 52 for the CICS application.

Credit Check sample

The Credit Check sample is a suite of programs that demonstrates these techniques:

The application uses these MQI calls:

The sample can run as a stand-alone CICS application. However, to demonstrate how to design a message queuing application that uses the facilities provided by both the CICS and IMS environments, one module is also supplied as an IMS batch message processing program.

The CICS programs are delivered in C and COBOL. The single IMS program is delivered in C.

See Table 53 for the CICS application, and Table 54 for the IMS application.

The Message Handler sample

The Message Handler sample allows you to browse, forward, and delete messages on a queue.

The application uses these MQI calls:

The program is delivered in C and COBOL programming languages. The application runs under TSO. See Table 49 for the TSO application.

Distributed queuing exit samples

The names of the source programs of the distributed queuing exit samples are listed in the following table:

Table 43. Source for the distributed queuing exit samples

Member name For language Description Supplied in library
CSQ4BAX0 Assembler Source program SCSQASMS
CSQ4BCX1 C Source program SCSQC37S
CSQ4BCX2 C Source program SCSQC37S
The source programs are link-edited with CSQXSTUB.

See WebSphere MQ Intercommunication for a description of the distributed queuing exit samples.

Data-conversion exit samples

A skeleton is provided for a data-conversion exit routine, and a sample is shipped with WebSphere MQ illustrating the MQXCNVC call. The names of the source programs of the data-conversion exit samples are listed in the following table:

Table 44. Source for the data conversion exit samples (Assembler language only)

Member name Description Supplied in library
CSQ4BAX8 Source program SCSQASMS
CSQ4BAX9 Source program SCSQASMS
CSQ4CAX9 Source program SCSQASMS
The source programs are link-edited with CSQASTUB.

See Chapter 11, Writing data-conversion exits for more information.

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