Preparing the sample application for the IMS environment

Part of the Credit Check sample application can run in the IMS environment. To prepare this part of the application to run with the CICS sample you must first perform the steps described in Preparing the sample applications for the CICS environment.

Then perform the following steps:

  1. Perform the same steps that you would when building any IMS WebSphere MQ for z/OS application--these steps are listed in Building IMS (BMP or MPP) applications. The library members that you will use are listed in Table 54.
  2. Identify the application program and database to IMS. Samples are provided with PSBGEN, DBDGEN, ACB definition, IMSGEN, and IMSDALOC statements to enable this.
  3. Load the database CSQ4CA by tailoring and running the sample JCL provided for this purpose (CSQ4ILDB). This JCL loads the database with data from the file CSQ4BAQ. Update the IMS control region with a DD statement for the database CSQ4CA.
  4. Start the checking-account program as a batch message processing (BMP) program by tailoring and running the sample JCL provided for this purpose. This JCL starts a batch-oriented BMP program. To run the program as a message-oriented BMP program, remove the comment characters from the line in the JCL that contains the IN= statement.

Names of the sample IMS application

The source and JCL that are supplied for the Credit Check sample IMS application are listed in Table 54.

Table 54. Source and JCL for the Credit Check IMS sample (C only)

Member name Description Supplied in library
CSQ4CVB WebSphere MQ object definitions SCSQPROC
CSQ4ICB3 Source for checking-account program SCSQC37S
CSQ4ICBL Source for loading the checking-account database SCSQC37S
CSQ4CBI Data definition SCSQC370
CSQ4PSBL PSBGEN JCL for database-load program SCSQPROC
CSQ4PSB3 PSBGEN JCL for checking-account program SCSQPROC
CSQ4GIMS IMSGEN macro definitions for CSQ4IVB3 and CSQ4CA SCSQPROC
CSQ4ACBG Application control block (ACB) definition for CSQ4IVB3 SCSQPROC
CSQ4BAQ Source for database SCSQPROC
CSQ4ILDB Sample run JCL for database-load job SCSQPROC
CSQ4ICBR Sample run JCL for checking-account program SCSQPROC
CSQ4DYNA IMSDALOC macro definitions for database SCSQPROC

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