Preparing the sample applications for the CICS environment

Before you run the CICS sample programs, you must log on to CICS using a LOGMODE of 32702. This is because the sample programs have been written to use a 3270 mode 2 screen.

To prepare a sample application that runs in the CICS environment, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the symbolic description map and the physical screen map for the sample by assembling the BMS screen definition source (supplied in library thlqual.SCSQMAPS, where thlqual is the high-level qualifier used by your installation). When you name the maps, use the name of the BMS screen definition source (not available for Put and Get sample programs), but omit the last character of that name.
  2. Perform the same steps that you would when building any CICS WebSphere MQ for z/OS application--these steps are listed in Building CICS applications. The library members that you will use are listed in Table 50, Table 51, Table 52, and Table 53.
  3. Identify the map set, programs, and transaction to CICS by updating the CICS system definition (CSD) data set. The definitions you require are in the member thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4S100). For guidance on how to do this, see WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide.
    For the Credit Check sample application, you will get an error message at this stage if you have not already created the VSAM data set that the sample uses.
  4. For the Credit Check and Mail Manager sample applications, ensure that the queues they use are available on your system. For the Credit Check sample, they are defined in the member thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4CVB) for COBOL, and thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4CCB) for C. For the Mail Manager sample, they are defined in the member thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4CVD). To ensure that these queues are always available, you could add these members to your CSQINP2 initialization input data set, or use the CSQUTIL program to load these queue definitions.

    For the Queue Attributes sample application, you could use one or more of the queues that are supplied for the other sample applications. Alternatively, you could use your own queues. However, note that in the form that it is supplied, this sample works only with queues that have the characters CSQ4SAMP in the first eight bytes of their name.

QLOP abend

When the CICS sample applications supplied with WebSphere MQ for z/OS use MQI calls, they do not test for the return codes that indicate that the queue manager is not available. If the queue manager is not available when you attempt to run one of the CICS samples, the sample abends with the CICS abend code QLOP. If this happens, you must connect your queue manager to your CICS system before you attempt to start the sample application again. For information about starting a connection, see WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Administration Guide.

Names of the sample CICS applications

The source and JCL files that are supplied for each of the sample CICS applications are listed in the following tables:

Put and Get samples Table 50
Queue attributes sample Table 51
Mail Manager (CICS) sample Table 52
Credit Check (CICS) sample Table 53

Table 50. Source and JCL for the Put and Get samples

Member name For language Description Supplied in library
CSQ4CCK1 C Source program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CCJ1 C Source program SCSQC37S
CSQ4S100 independent CICS system definition data set SCSQPROC

Table 51. Source for the Queue Attributes sample

Member name For language Description Supplied in library
CSQ4VMSG COBOL Message definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4CAC1 Assembler Source program SCSQASMS
CSQ4AMSG Assembler Message definition SCSQMACS
CSQ4ACMS Assembler BMS screen definition SCSQMAPS
CSQ4CCC1 C Source program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CMSG C Message definition SCSQC370
CSQ4CCMS C BMS screen definition SCSQMAPS
CSQ4S100 independent CICS system definition data set SCSQPROC

Table 52. Source and JCL for the Mail Manager (CICS) sample (COBOL only)

Member name Description Supplied in library
CSQ4CVD WebSphere MQ for z/OS object definitions SCSQPROC
CSQ4CVD1 Source for Menu program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVD2 Source for Get Mail program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVD3 Source for Display Message program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVD4 Source for Send Mail program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVD5 Source for Nickname program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4VDMS BMS screen definition source SCSQMAPS
CSQ4S100 CICS system definition data set SCSQPROC
CSQ4VD0 Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VD3 Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VD4 Data definition SCSQCOBC

Table 53. Source and JCL for the Credit Check CICS sample

Member name For language Description Supplied in library
CSQ4CVB independent WebSphere MQ object definitions SCSQPROC
CSQ4CCB independent WebSphere MQ object definitions SCSQPROC
CSQ4CVB1 COBOL Source for user-interface program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVB2 COBOL Source for credit application manager SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVB3 COBOL Source for checking-account program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVB4 COBOL Source for distribution program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CVB5 COBOL Source for agency-query program SCSQCOBS
CSQ4CCB1 C Source for user-interface program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CCB2 C Source for credit application manager SCSQC37S
CSQ4CCB3 C Source for checking-account program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CCB4 C Source for distribution program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CCB5 C Source for agency-query program SCSQC37S
CSQ4CB0 C Include file SCSQC370
CSQ4CBMS C BMS screen definition source SCSQMAPS
CSQ4VBMS COBOL BMS screen definition source SCSQMAPS
CSQ4VB0 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB1 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB2 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB3 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB4 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB5 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB6 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB7 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4VB8 COBOL Data definition SCSQCOBC
CSQ4BAQ independent Source for VSAM data set SCSQPROC
CSQ4FILE independent JCL to build VSAM data set used by CSQ4CVB3 SCSQPROC
CSQ4S100 independent CICS system definition data set SCSQPROC

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