Chapter 20. Name service

The name service is an installable service that provides support to the queue manager for looking up the name of the queue manager that owns a specified queue. No other queue attributes can be retrieved from a name service.

The name service enables an application to open remote queues for output as if they were local queues. A name service is not invoked for objects other than queues.

Note:The remote queues must have their Scope attribute set to CELL.

When an application opens a queue, it looks for the name of the queue first in the queue manager's directory. If it does not find it there, it looks in as many name services as have been configured, until it finds one that recognizes the queue name. If none recognizes the name, the open fails.

The name service returns the owning queue manager for that queue. The queue manager then continues with the MQOPEN request as if the command had specified the queue and queue manager name in the original request.

The name service interface (NSI) is part of the WebSphere MQ framework.

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