To use the supplied name service component, you must have the OSF Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) Directory Service configured. This service enables applications that connect to one queue manager to open queues that belong to another queue manager in the same DCE cell.
You can configure WebSphere MQ to use the DCE name service as follows:
$ dcecp dcecp> host catalog
You are presented with a list of hosts in the cell. This indicates that DCE is started.
Note: | If DCE is not running, you see the following error message:
error with socket |
Both sample programs are located in the following directories:
/opt/mqm/samp on HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux.
Note to users |
You need to install the MQ DCE option if you are using AIX or Solaris. |
To run sample program dcesetsv, use the following command:
dcesetsv <mqm's password> <cell_admin's password>
This program sets up mqm as a principal to DCE, creates a set of directory entries for mqm, and gives it access rights to the DCE cell servers. The program can be run from any host in the cell, and is run once for the entire DCE cell.
dcesetkt <mqm's password>
This program sets up a system keytable file on the local host that contains information about principal mqm and its password.
The keytable files are located in the following directories:
Note: | When the keytable is first created on UNIX systems, it does not have the
correct permissions to allow the DCE naming service to be used. Ensure
that the correct permissions exist by issuing the following commands from the
UNIX command line:
$ cd /var/mqm/dce/keytabs $ chown mqm:mqm keytab $ chmod u+rw keytab $ chmod g+r keytab |