
Many of the tasks described in this book involve manipulating WebSphere MQ objects. the object types are queue managers, queues, process definitions, channels, clusters, and namelists.

The manipulation or administration of objects includes:

This book contains detailed information about administration in the following chapters:

Object names

The naming convention adopted for WebSphere MQ objects depends on the object.

Each instance of a queue manager is known by its name. This name must be unique within the network of interconnected queue managers, so that one queue manager can unambiguously identify the target queue manager to which any given message is sent.

For the other types of object, each object has a name associated with it and can be referred to by that name. These names must be unique within one queue manager and object type. For example, you can have a queue and a process with the same name, but you cannot have two queues with the same name.

In WebSphere MQ, names can have a maximum of 48 characters, with the exception of channels which have a maximum of 20 characters. For more information about names, see Names of WebSphere MQ objects.

Managing objects

You can create, alter, display, and delete objects using:

For more information about these methods, see Chapter 2, An introduction to WebSphere MQ administration.

Object attributes

The properties of an object are defined by its attributes. Some you can specify, others you can only view. For example, the maximum message length that a queue can accommodate is defined by its MaxMsgLength attribute; you can specify this attribute when you create a queue. The DefinitionType attribute specifies how the queue was created; you can only display this attribute.

In WebSphere MQ, there are two ways of referring to an attribute:

This book mainly describes how to specify attributes using MQSC commands, and so it refers to most attributes using their MQSC command names, rather than their PCF names.

WebSphere MQ queues

There are four types of queue object available in WebSphere MQ.

Local queue object
A local queue object identifies a local queue belonging to the queue manager to which the application is connected. All queues are local queues in the sense that each queue belongs to a queue manager and, for that queue manager, the queue is a local queue.

Remote queue object
A remote queue object identifies a queue belonging to another queue manager. This queue must be defined as a local queue to that queue manager. The information you specify when you define a remote queue object allows the local queue manager to find the remote queue manager, so that any messages destined for the remote queue go to the correct queue manager.

Before applications can send messages to a queue on another queue manager, you must have defined a transmission queue and channels between the queue managers, unless you have grouped one or more queue managers together into a cluster. For more information about clusters, see "Remote administration using clusters".

Alias queue object
An alias queue allows applications to access a queue by referring to it indirectly in MQI calls. When an alias queue name is used in an MQI call, the name is resolved to the name of either a local or a remote queue at run time. This allows you to change the queues that applications use without changing the application in any way; you merely change the alias queue definition to reflect the name of the new queue to which the alias resolves.

An alias queue is not a queue, but an object that you can use to access another queue.

Model queue object
A model queue defines a set of queue attributes that are used as a template for creating a dynamic queue. Dynamic queues are created by the queue manager when an application issues an MQOPEN request specifying a queue name that is the name of a model queue. The dynamic queue that is created in this way is a local queue whose attributes are taken from the model queue definition. The dynamic queue name can be specified by the application, or the queue manager can generate the name and return it to the application.

Dynamic queues defined in this way can be temporary queues, which do not survive product restarts, or permanent queues, which do.

Defining queues

Queues are defined to WebSphere MQ using:

The commands specify the type of queue and its attributes. For example, a local queue object has attributes that specify what happens when applications reference that queue in MQI calls. Examples of attributes are:

For further details about defining queue objects, see the WebSphere MQ Script (MQSC) Command Reference or WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface.

Queues used by WebSphere MQ

WebSphere MQ uses some local queues for specific purposes related to its operation. You must define these queues before WebSphere MQ can use them.

Initiation queues
Initiation queues are queues that are used in triggering. A queue manager puts a trigger message on an initiation queue when a trigger event occurs. A trigger event is a logical combination of conditions that is detected by a queue manager. For example, a trigger event might be generated when the number of messages on a queue reaches a predefined depth. This event causes the queue manager to put a trigger message on a specified initiation queue. This trigger message is retrieved by a trigger monitor, a special application that monitors an initiation queue. The trigger monitor then starts the application program that was specified in the trigger message.

If a queue manager is to use triggering, at least one initiation queue must be defined for that queue manager. See Managing objects for triggering and runmqtrm (start trigger monitor). For more information about triggering, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide.

Transmission queues
Transmission queues are queues that temporarily store messages that are destined for a remote queue manager. You must define at least one transmission queue for each remote queue manager to which the local queue manager is to send messages directly. These queues are also used in remote administration; see Remote administration from a local queue manager. For information about the use of transmission queues in distributed queuing, see WebSphere MQ Intercommunication.

Each queue manager can have a default transmission queue. When a queue manager that is not part of a cluster puts a message onto a remote queue, the default action, if there is no transmission queue with the same name as the destination queue manager, is to use the default transmission queue.

Cluster transmission queues
Each queue manager within a cluster has a cluster transmission queue called SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE. A definition of this queue is created by default when you define a queue manager.

A queue manager that is part of the cluster can send messages on the cluster transmission queue to any other queue manager that is in the same cluster.

During name resolution, the cluster transmission queue takes precedence over the default transmission queue.

When a queue manager is part of a cluster, the default action is to use the SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, except when the destination queue manager is not part of the cluster.

Dead-letter queues
A dead-letter (undelivered-messsage) queue is a queue that stores messages that cannot be routed to their correct destinations. This occurs when, for example, the destination queue is full. The supplied dead-letter queue is called SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE.

For distributed queuing, define a dead-letter queue on each queue manager involved.

Command queues
The command queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, is a local queue to which suitably authorized applications can send MQSC commands for processing. These commands are then retrieved by a WebSphere MQ component called the command server. The command server validates the commands, passes the valid ones on for processing by the queue manager, and returns any responses to the appropriate reply-to queue.

A command queue is created automatically for each queue manager when that queue manager is created.

Reply-to queues
When an application sends a request message, the application that receives the message can send back a reply message to the sending application. This message is put on a queue, called a reply-to queue, which is normally a local queue to the sending application. The name of the reply-to queue is specified by the sending application as part of the message descriptor.

Event queues
Instrumentation events can be used to monitor queue managers independently of MQI applications.

When an instrumentation event occurs, the queue manager puts an event message on an event queue. This message can then be read by a monitoring application, which might inform an administrator or initiate some remedial action if the event indicates a problem.

Note:Trigger events are quite different from instrumentation events in that trigger events are not caused by the same conditions, and do not generate event messages.

For more information about instrumentation events, see WebSphere MQ Event Monitoring.

WebSphere MQ queue managers

A queue manager provides queuing services to applications, and manages the queues that belong to it. It ensures that:

Each queue belongs to a single queue manager and is said to be a local queue to that queue manager. The queue manager to which an application is connected is said to be the local queue manager for that application. For the application, the queues that belong to its local queue manager are local queues.

A remote queue is a queue that belongs to another queue manager. A remote queue manager is any queue manager other than the local queue manager. A remote queue manager can exist on a remote machine across the network, or might exist on the same machine as the local queue manager. WebSphere MQ supports multiple queue managers on the same machine.

A queue manager object can be used in some MQI calls. For example, you can inquire about the attributes of the queue manager object using the MQI call MQINQ.

Process definitions

A process definition object defines an application that starts in response to a trigger event on a WebSphere MQ queue manager. See the "Initiation queues" entry under Queues used by WebSphere MQ for more information.

The process definition attributes include the application ID, the application type, and data specific to the application.


Channels are objects that provide a communication path from one queue manager to another. Channels are used in distributed queuing to move messages from one queue manager to another. They shield applications from the underlying communications protocols. The queue managers might exist on the same, or different, platforms. For queue managers to communicate with one another, you must define one channel object at the queue manager that is to send messages, and another, complementary one, at the queue manager that is to receive them.

For information on channels and how to use them, see WebSphere MQ Intercommunication.


In a traditional WebSphere MQ network using distributed queuing, every queue manager is independent. If one queue manager needs to send messages to another queue manager, it must define a transmission queue, a channel to the remote queue manager, and a remote queue definition for every queue to which it wants to send messages.

A cluster is a group of queue managers set up in such a way that the queue managers can communicate directly with one another over a single network, without the need for transmission queue, channel, and remote queue definitions.

For information about clusters, see Chapter 6, "Administering remote WebSphere MQ objects", and WebSphere MQ Queue Manager Clusters.


A namelist is a WebSphere MQ object that contains a list of other WebSphere MQ objects. Typically, namelists are used by applications such as trigger monitors, where they are used to identify a group of queues. The advantage of using a namelist is that it is maintained independently of applications; it can be updated without stopping any of the applications that use it. Also, if one application fails, the namelist is not affected and other applications can continue using it.

Namelists are also used with queue manager clusters to maintain a list of clusters referred to by more than one WebSphere MQ object.

Authentication information objects

The queue manager authentication information object (AUTHINFO) forms part of WebSphere MQ support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security. It provides the definitions needed to check certificate revocation lists (CRLs) using LDAP servers. CRLs allow Certification Authorities to revoke certificates that can no longer be trusted.

This book describes using thesetmqaut, dspmqaut, dmpmqaut, rcrmqobj, rcdmqimg, and dspmqflscommands with the authentication information object. For an overview of SSL and the use of AUTHINFO, see WebSphere MQ Security.

System default objects

The system default objects are a set of object definitions that are created automatically whenever a queue manager is created. You can copy and modify any of these object definitions for use in applications at your installation.

Default object names have the stem SYSTEM.DEFAULT; for example, the default local queue is SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, and the default receiver channel is SYSTEM.DEFAULT.RECEIVER. You cannot rename these objects; default objects of these names are required.

When you define an object, any attributes that you do not specify explicitly are copied from the appropriate default object. For example, if you define a local queue, those attributes that you do not specify are taken from the default queue SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE.

See Appendix A, "System and default objects" for more information about system defaults.

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