PL/I include files

WebSphere MQ for z/OS, OS/2 Warp, and Windows systems provide include files that contain all the definitions you need when you write WebSphere MQ applications in PL/I. They are listed in Table 75. They are installed in the following directories:

Platform Installation directory or library
OS/2 and Windows systems \mqm\tools\pli\include
z/OS thlqual.SCSQPLIC

Table 75. PL/I include files

Include file Contents
CMQCFP(1) Definitions for programmable commands
CMQEPP Entry point definitions for the API calls.
CMQP Definitions of all the constants and return codes, data types and structures, and constants to initialize the structures.
CMQXP(1) Definitions for channel exits and data-conversion exits on z/OS. Named constants related to PCF on OS/2 Warp, and Windows systems.
  1. MQSeries for VSE/ESA does not provide this include file.

Include these files in your program if you are going to link the WebSphere MQ stub to your program (see Preparing your program to run). Include only CMQP if you intend to link the WebSphere MQ calls dynamically (see Dynamically calling the WebSphere MQ stub). Dynamic linking can be performed for batch and IMS programs only.

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