Preparing C programs

WebSphere MQ for iSeries supports messages up to 100 MB in size. Application programs written in ILE C, supporting WebSphere MQ messages greater than 16 MB, need to make use of the "Teraspace" compiler option in order to allocate sufficent memory for these messages.

For further information on the C compiler options, see iSeries WebSphere Development Studio ILE C/C++ Programmer's Guide.

To compile a C module, you can use the OS/400 command, CRTCMOD. Make sure that the library containing the include files (QMQM) is in the library list when you perform the compilation.

You must then bind the output of the compiler with the service program using the CRTPGM command.

An example of the command for a nonthreaded environment is:

Table 25. Example of CRTPGM in the nonthreaded environment

Command Program/exit type
CRTPGM PGM(pgmname) MODULE(pgmname)
Server for C

where pgmname is the name of your program.

An example of the command for a threaded environment is:

Table 26. Example of CRTPGM in the threaded environment

Command Program/exit type
CRTPGM PGM(pgmname) MODULE(pgmname)
Server for C

where pgmname is the name of your program.

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