Preparing CICS programs

To build the sample CICS transaction, amqscic0.ccs, run the following command:

  $ export USERLIB="-lmqm_r"
  $ cicstcl -l C amqscic0.ccs

An XA switch module is provided to enable you to link CICS with WebSphere MQ:

Table 23. Essential Code for CICS applications (HP-UX)

Description C (source) C (exec)
XA initialization routine amqzscix.c amqzsc

You can find more information about supporting CICS transactions in the WebSphere MQ System Administration Guide.

CICS on Open Systems support

WebSphere MQ on UNIX systems supports CICS on Open Systems via the XA interface.

It is very important to ensure that CICS COBOL applications are linked to the threaded version of the library. CICS on Open Systems WebSphere MQ transactions must link with libmqm_r, except on Solaris, where you must link with lmqmcs_d.

CICS C sample transaction

Sample C source for a CICS WebSphere MQ transaction is provided by AMQSCIC0.CCS. The transaction reads messages from the transmission queue SYSTEM.SAMPLE.CICS.WORKQUEUE on the default queue manager and places them onto the local queue whose name is contained in the transmission header of the message. Any failures will be sent to the queue SYSTEM.SAMPLE.CICS.DLQ. The sample MQSC script AMQSCIC0.TST may be used to create these queues and sample input queues.

Preparing CICS COBOL programs using Micro Focus COBOL

To use Micro Focus COBOL, follow these steps:

  1. Add the WebSphere MQ COBOL run-time library module to the run-time library using the following command:
      cicsmkcobol -L/usr/lib/dce -L/usr/mqm/lib  \
                  /usr/mqm/lib/ libmqmcbrt.o -lmqm_r

    This creates the Micro Focus COBOL language method file and enables the CICS run-time COBOL library to call WebSphere MQ on UNIX systems.

    cicsmkcobol must be run only when one of the following is installed:
    • New version or release of Micro Focus COBOL
    • New version or release of TXSeries for HP-UX
    • New version or release of any supported database product (for COBOL transactions only)
    • TXSeries for HP-UX
  2. Export the following environment variables:
      COBCPY=/usr/mqm/inc  export COBCPY
      LDFLAGS="-L/usr/mqm/lib -lmqm_r"  export LDFLAGS
  3. Translate, compile, and link the program by typing:
      cicstcl -l COBOL -e <yourprog>.ccp

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