This section describes how to build application programs written in C++ to run under Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.0.
For more information on using MQSeries with C++, see the WebSphere MQ Using C++.
The WebSphere MQ C++ include files are listed in Table 22.
They are installed in the directory /opt/mqm/inc/. The
include files are symbolically linked into /usr/include.
Table 22. C++ include files for MQSeries (Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 5.0)
File name | Contents |
<cmqc.h> | MQI data structures and manifest constants |
<imqi.hpp> | C++ MQI classes (includes cmqc.h and imqtype.h) |
<imqtype.h> | Defines the ImqBoolean data type |
Work in your usual environment. Precompiled C++ programs are supplied in the /opt/mqm/samp/bin/ff directory. Here is an example instruction for building the sample program imqsput0.cpp:
$ cxx -pthread -o imqsput imqsput0.cpp -limqs23ff -limqb23ff
If you want to use the programs on a machine on which only the MQSeries client for Compaq Tru64 UNIX is installed, recompile the programs to link them with the client library. Here is an example instruction for building the sample program imqsput0.cpp as a client:
$ cxx -pthread -o imqsput imqsput0.cpp -limqc23ff -limqb23ff
You must link to one of the following libraries:
Library file | Program or exit type |
---|---| | Server for C++ | | Client for C++ |