Designing an application that uses triggered queues

You have seen how to set up, and control, triggering for your applications. Here are some tips you should consider when you design your application.

Trigger messages and units of work

Trigger messages created because of trigger events that are not part of a unit of work are put on the initiation queue, outside any unit of work, with no dependence on any other messages, and are available for retrieval by the trigger monitor immediately.

Trigger messages created because of trigger events that are part of a unit of work are put on the initiation queue as part of the same unit of work. Trigger monitors cannot retrieve these trigger messages until the unit of work completes. This applies whether the unit of work is committed or backed out.

If the queue manager fails to put a trigger message on an initiation queue, it will be put on the dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue.


  1. The queue manager counts both committed and uncommitted messages when it assesses whether the conditions for a trigger event exist.

    With triggering of type FIRST or DEPTH, trigger messages are made available even if the unit of work is backed out so that a trigger message is always available when the required conditions are met. For example, consider a put request within a unit of work for a queue that is triggered with trigger type FIRST. This causes the queue manager to create a trigger message. If another put request occurs, from another unit of work, this does not cause another trigger event because the number of messages on the application queue has now changed from one to two, which does not satisfy the conditions for a trigger event. Now if the first unit of work is backed out, but the second is committed, a trigger message is still created.

    However, this does mean that trigger messages are sometimes created when the conditions for a trigger event are not satisfied. Applications that use triggering must always be prepared to handle this situation. It is recommended that you use the wait option with the MQGET call, setting the WaitInterval to a suitable value.

  2. For local shared queues (that is, shared queues in a queue-sharing group) the queue manager counts committed messages only.

Getting messages from a triggered queue

When you design applications that use triggering, you must be aware that there may be a delay between a program being started by a trigger monitor, and other messages becoming available on the application queue. This can happen when the message that causes the trigger event is committed before the others.

To allow time for messages to arrive, always use the wait option when you use the MQGET call to remove messages from a queue for which trigger conditions are set. The WaitInterval should be sufficient to allow for the longest reasonable time between a message being put and that put call being committed. If the message is arriving from a remote queue manager, this time is affected by:

For an example of a situation where you should use the MQGET call with the wait option, consider the same example we used when describing units of work. This was a put request within a unit of work for a queue that is triggered with trigger type FIRST. This event causes the queue manager to create a trigger message. If another put request occurs, from another unit of work, this does not cause another trigger event because the number of messages on the application queue has not changed from zero to one. Now if the first unit of work is backed out, but the second is committed, a trigger message is still created. So the trigger message is created at the time the first unit of work is backed out. If there is a significant delay before the second message is committed, the triggered application may need to wait for it.

With triggering of type DEPTH, a delay can occur even if all relevant messages are eventually committed. Suppose that the TriggerDepth queue attribute has the value 2. When two messages arrive on the queue, the second causes a trigger message to be created. However, if the second message is the first to be committed, it is at that time the trigger message becomes available. The trigger monitor starts the server program, but the program can retrieve only the second message until the first one is committed. So the program may need to wait for the first message to be made available.

You should design your application so that it terminates if no messages are available for retrieval when your wait interval expires. If one or more messages arrive subsequently, you should rely on your application being retriggered to process them. This method prevents applications being idle, and unnecessarily using resources.

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