MQ_GET_EXIT - Get message

Exit providers can supply an  MQ_GET_EXIT  function to intercept the  MQGET  call. The same exit function interface is used for the MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET exit function.


 MQ_GET_EXIT  (pExitParms, pExitContext, pHconn, pHobj, ppMsgDesc,
ppGetMsgOpts, pBufferLength, ppBuffer, ppDataLength, pCompCode, pReason)


The  MQ_GET_EXIT  call has the following parameters.

pExitParms (PMQAXP) - input/output

Exit parameter structure.

pExitContext (PMQAXC) - input/output

Exit context structure.

pHconn (PMQHCONN) - input/output

Connection handle.

pHobj (PMQHOBJ) - input/output

Object handle.

ppMsgDesc (PPMQMD) - input/output

Message descriptor.

ppGetMsgOpts (PPMQGMO) - input/output

Options that control the action of  MQGET .

pBufferLength (PMQLONG) - input/output

Length in bytes of the ppBuffer area.

ppBuffer (PPMQVOID) - input/output

Area to contain the message data.

ppDataLength (PPMQLONG) - input/output

Length of the message.

pCompCode (PMQLONG) - input/output

Completion code.

pReason (PMQLONG) - input/output

Reason code qualifying pCompCode.

Usage notes

  1. The  MQ_GET_EXIT  function interface described here is used for both the MQXF_GET exit function and the MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET exit function. However, separate entry points are defined for these two exit functions, so to intercept both the  MQXEP  call must be used twice - once with function identifier MQXF_GET, and again with MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET.

    Because the  MQ_GET_EXIT  interface is the same for MQXF_GET and MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET, a single exit function can be used for both; the Function field in the MQAXP structure indicates which exit function has been invoked. Alternatively, the  MQXEP  call can be used to register different exit functions for the two cases.

  2. The MQXR_BEFORE exit function for MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET is invoked only if the MQGMO_CONVERT option is specified on the  MQGET  call.
  3. There is no MQXR_AFTER exit function for MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET; the MQXR_AFTER exit function for MQXF_GET provides the required capability for exit processing after data conversion.

C invocation

MQ_GET_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext, &Hconn, &Hobj,
            &pMsgDesc, &pGetMsgOpts, &BufferLength,
            &pBuffer, &pDataLength, &CompCode, &Reason);

The parameters passed to the exit are declared as follows:

PMQAXP    pExitParms;     /* Exit parameter structure */
PMQAXC    pExitContext;   /* Exit context structure */
PMQHCONN  pHconn;         /* Connection handle */
PMQHOBJ   pHobj;          /* Object handle */
PPMQMD    ppMsgDesc;      /* Message descriptor */
PPMQGMO   ppGetMsgOpts;   /* Options that control the action of MQGET */
PMQLONG   pBufferLength;  /* Length in bytes of the pBuffer area */
PPMQVOID  ppBuffer;       /* Area to contain the message data */
PPMQLONG  ppDataLength;   /* Length of the message */
PMQLONG   pCompCode;      /* Completion code */
PMQLONG   pReason;        /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */

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