The MQZAD structure is used on the MQZ_ENUMERATE_AUTHORITY_DATA call for two parameters:
Structure identifier.
For the C programming language, the constant MQZAD_STRUC_ID_ARRAY is also defined; this has the same value as MQZAD_STRUC_ID, but is an array of characters instead of a string.
This is an input field to the service.
Structure version number.
The following constant specifies the version number of the current version:
This is an input field to the service.
Profile name.
For the Filter parameter, this field is the profile name whose authority data is required. If the name is entirely blank up to the end of the field or the first null character, authority data for all profile names is returned.
For the AuthorityBuffer parameter, this field is the name of a profile that matches the specified selection criteria.
Object type.
For the Filter parameter, this field is the object type for which authority data is required. If the value is MQOT_ALL, authority data for all object types is returned.
For the AuthorityBuffer parameter, this field is the object type to which the profile identified by ProfileName applies.
The value is one of the following; for the Filter parameter, the value MQOT_ALL is also valid:
For the Filter parameter, this field is ignored.
For the AuthorityBuffer parameter, this field represents the authorizations that the entity has to the objects identified by ProfileName and ObjectType. If the entity has only one authority, the field is equal to the appropriate authorization value (MQZAO_* constant). If the entity has more than one authority, the field is the bitwise OR of the corresponding MQZAO_* constants.
Address of MQZED structure identifying an entity.
For the Filter parameter, this field points to an MQZED structure that identifies the entity whose authority data is required. If EntityDataPtr is the null pointer, authority data for all entities is returned.
For the AuthorityBuffer parameter, this field points to an MQZED structure that identifies the entity whose authority data has been returned.
Entity type.
For the Filter parameter, this field specifies the entity type for which authority data is required. If the value is MQZAET_NONE, authority data for all entity types is returned.
For the AuthorityBuffer parameter, this field specifies the type of the entity identified by the MQZED structure pointed to by EntityDataPtr.
The value is one of the following; for the Filter parameter, the value MQZAET_NONE is also valid:
typedef struct tagMQZAD MQZAD; struct tagMQZAD { MQCHAR4 StrucId; /* Structure identifier */ MQLONG Version; /* Structure version number */ MQCHAR48 ProfileName; /* Profile name */ MQLONG ObjectType; /* Object type */ MQLONG Authority; /* Authority */ PMQZED EntityDataPtr; /* Address of MQZED structure identifying an entity */ MQLONG EntityType; /* Entity type */ };