When the component initialization routine is invoked, it must call the queue manager MQZEP function for each entry-point supported by the component. MQZEP defines an entry-point to the service. All the undefined exit points are assumed to be NULL.
A component is always invoked with this option once, before it is invoked in any other way.
A component can be invoked with this option on certain platforms. For example, it can be invoked once for each operating system process, thread, or task by which the service is accessed.
If secondary initialization is used:
For naming services this is the MQZ_TERM_NAME call.
For authorization services this is the MQZ_TERM_AUTHORITY call.
The primary termination component is always invoked with this option once, when it is no longer required. No further calls are made to this component.
The secondary termination component is invoked with this option, if it has been invoked for secondary initialization.