The strmqtrc command is not supported by WebSphere MQ for AIX. (See Tracing WebSphere MQ for AIX.)
Use the strmqtrc command to enable tracing. This command can be run regardless of whether tracing is enabled. If tracing is already enabled, the trace options in effect are modified to those specified on the latest invocation of the command.
The syntax of this command in WebSphere MQ for Windows is as follows:
.---------------------. V | >>-strmqtrc------+---------------+--+---+-------------+-------->< '- -t TraceType-' '- -l MaxSize-'
The syntax of this command in WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux is as follows:
>>-strmqtrc---+--------------+---+------+-----------------------> '- -m QMgrName-' '- -e -' .---------------------. V | >--------+---------------+--+---+---------------+---------------> '- -t TraceType-' '- -x TraceType-' >-----+-------------+------------------------------------------>< '- -l MaxSize-'
You can request different levels of trace detail. For each tracetype value you specify, including -t all, specify either -t parms or -t detail to obtain the appropriate level of trace detail. If you do not specify either -t parms or -t detail for any particular trace type, only a default-detail trace is generated for that trace type.
You can use the -x flag with tracetype values to exclude those entry points you do not want to record. This is useful in reducing the amount of trace produced.
In WebSphere MQ for Windows, the output file is created in the \<mqmwork>\errors directory, where <mqmwork> is the directory selected to hold WebSphere MQ data files.
In WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux, the output file is always created in the directory /var/mqm/trace.
For examples of trace data generated by this command see Tracing.
A queue manager name and the -m flag can be specified on the same command as the -e flag. If more than one trace specification applies to a given entity being traced, the actual trace includes all the specified options.
It is an error to omit the -m flag and queue manager name, unless you specify the -e flag.
This parameter is not valid in WebSphere MQ for Windows.
This parameter is not valid in WebSphere MQ for Windows.
Alternatively, you can supply one or more of the options in the following list.
If you supply multiple trace types, each must have its own -t flag. You can include any number of -t flags, provided that each has a valid trace type associated with it.
It is not an error to specify the same trace type on multiple -t
| all | Output data for every trace point in the system (the default). The all parameter activates tracing at default detail level. |
| api | Output data for trace points associated with the MQI and major queue manager components. |
| commentary | Output data for trace points associated with comments in the WebSphere MQ components. |
| comms | Output data for trace points associated with data flowing over communications networks. |
| csdata | Output data for trace points associated with internal data buffers in common services. |
| csflows | Output data for trace points associated with processing flow in common services. |
| detail | Activate tracing at high-detail level for flow processing trace points. |
| lqmdata | Output data for trace points associated with internal data buffers in the local queue manager. |
| lqmflows | Output data for trace points associated with processing flow in the local queue manager. |
| otherdata | Output data for trace points associated with internal data buffers in other components. |
| otherflows | Output data for trace points associated with processing flow in other components. |
| parms | Activate tracing at default-detail level for flow processing trace points. |
| remotedata | Output data for trace points associated with internal data buffers in the communications component. |
| remoteflows | Output data for trace points associated with processing flow in the communications component. |
| servicedata | Output data for trace points associated with internal data buffers in the service component. |
| serviceflows | Output data for trace points associated with processing flow in the service component. |
| ssl | Output data associated with using GSKit to enable Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) channel security.
This parameter is not valid in WebSphere MQ for Windows. |
| versiondata | Output data for trace points associated with the version of WebSphere MQ running. |
If you supply multiple trace types, each must have its own -x flag. You can include any number of -x flags, provided that each has a valid trace type associated with it.
When a trace file reaches the specified maximum, it is renamed to AMQnnnn.TRS and a new AMQnnnn.TRC file is started. All trace files are restarted when the maximum limit is reached. If a previous copy of an AMQnnnn.TRS file exists, it is deleted.
AMQ7024 | Non-valid arguments supplied to the command. |
AMQ8304 | Nine concurrent traces (the maximum) already running. |
This command enables tracing of processing flow from common services and the local queue manager for a queue manager called QM1 in WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux. Trace data is generated at the default level of detail.
strmqtrc -m QM1 -t csflows -t lqmflows -t parms
This command disables tracing of SSL activity on a queue manager
called QM1 in WebSphere MQ for HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux.
Other trace data is generated at the parms level of detail.
strmqtrc -m QM1 -x ssl -t parms
This command enables high-detail tracing of the processing flow for all components in WebSphere MQ for Windows:
strmqtrc -t all -t detail
dspmqtrc | Display formatted trace output |
endmqtrc | End trace |